구글 토크에 로그인 할 시 아래와 같은 메시지가 뜨면서
로그인이 되지 않습니다. 이유는 구글 토크를 사용하기
위해서는 Gmail 계정이 필요하기 때문입니다.
아시다싶이 구글은 메일 형식으로 아이디를 쓰기 때문에
현재 네이버 메일을 구글 계정으로 쓰고 Gmail을
쓰고 있지 않기에 로그인이 되지 않는 경우입니다.
구글 토크를 사용하시려면 Gmail 계정을 추가하거나
Gmail 서비스를 영구히 제거 해야 합니다. 에러 메시지의
링크를 따라가셔서 설정하시면 됩니다.
계정을 추가해서 구글 토크에 로그인이 된 후에는 기존
네이버든 Gmail이든 둘다 구글 토크 로그인이 가능하게
Signing in to the Google Talk client without a Gmail address
If you're using the Google Talk client and are trying to sign in with a Google account that doesn't have a Gmail address, you'll need to sign up for a Gmail account. A temporary issue with the Google Talk client requires that the Gmail service be added to any sign in account. If you don't want to have an active Gmail account but want to use the Google Talk client, please sign up for Gmail once and delete the service permanently using the instructions below.
Please note that adding the Gmail service to your Google account is not necessary to use the Google Talk Gadget or chat in orkut.
To add Gmail to your Google Talk account, please follow the steps below:
- Go to your Google account management page.
- Under Try something new, click Gmail.
- Sign in to your account and follow the directions to add the Gmail service.
- Once you've created a Gmail address, sign in to the Google Talk client with your Google account or your Gmail address.
If you don't want to have a Gmail address with your Google account, please follow these steps to remove the service:
- Go to your Google account management page.
- Next to My products, click Edit.
- Under Delete a product select Remove Gmail permanently.
- Check 'Yes, I want to permanently delete username@gmail.com and remove it from my Google Account.'
- Click the Remove Gmail button.